SCCM Agent Issues - CCM Agent Notification Agent Disabled

Had issues with a CM Agent on a computer. This agent installed with BITS transfers in foreground:
ccmsetup.exe /BITSPriority:FOREGROUND
The agent wouldn't install normally.
After installed, the component "CCM Notification Agent" was stuck at status Disabled in the Configuration Manager Properties.
Found this in DataTransferService.log:
CDTSJob::HandleErrors: DTS Job '{4C558D5D-CA3F-4712-9483-5E3BBF7D811C}' BITS Job '{B02B8C90-482B-47C6-BBC1-2397BEA72C64}' under user 'S-1-5-18' OldErrorCount 16 NewErrorCount 17 ErrorCode 0x80070426
CDTSJob::HandleErrors: DTS Job ID='{4C558D5D-CA3F-4712-9483-5E3BBF7D811C}' URL='' ProtType=1
The following forum gave me the idea to look into the BranchCache service:
Running the command "bitsadmin /list /allusers" listed a bunch of errors:
{4BD1CBD5-C107-49D7-A478-A4EEAD87E098} 'CCMDTS Job' TRANSIENT_ERROR 2 / 30 10868 / 271558
{B02B8C90-482B-47C6-BBC1-2397BEA72C64} 'CCMDTS Job' TRANSIENT_ERROR 2 / 6 164302 / 266990
Found out that the BrancheCache service was set to Disabled.
After changing the service to Manual and starting it, the agent went up and running perfectly.
Hope this helps someone out there!

Distribution Point Configuration Status - SMS Client - Restart might required

Annoying message that doesn't go away even after a restart.
To remove it:
1. Make sure you have good backup of the site DB

2. Run the following select statement to find the Distribution Points in this state: select * from dbo.DistributionStatus where InsStr2 = '3010'

3. Once identified then Delete a record an affected DP with: delete from dbo.DistributionStatus where ID = <DPID of affected DP identified by above command>



The Report Builder click-once application does not exist on the report server

If you get this error, you need to do the following to fix it!
1. Download and install
2. When installing, enter your default target server url, e.g.
3. Open up regedit and change ReportBuilderApplicationManifestName to ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application, located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\AdminUI\Reporting
4. Edit X:\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe.config and change to ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application in the ReportBuilderMapping section

ConfigMgr collections update slowly or not at all

Please read the following article if you're experiencing this.

Software Updates Synchronization Failed

From time to time the software update synchronization fails in Configuration Manager. Been looking around the web for a solution, but haven't come across anything.
In my particular case, these error messages appeared in wsyncmgr.log:
Sync failures summary:    
SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    2013-10-31 11:06:04    9804 (0x264C)
Failed to sync update 359c5eeb-b7ff-447a-9986-5d6283a133f3. Error: The Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded and cannot be accepted. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.SoapExceptionProcessor.DeserializeAndThrow    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    2013-10-31 11:06:04    9804 (0x264C)
Failed to sync update 5e174b97-938e-41b7-9428-b2f9978ddd2d. Error: The Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded and cannot be accepted. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.SoapExceptionProcessor.DeserializeAndThrow    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    2013-10-31 11:06:04    9804 (0x264C)
Failed to sync update 87e13ecb-c669-43be-9e2a-01e567285031. Error: The Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded and cannot be accepted. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.SoapExceptionProcessor.DeserializeAndThrow    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    2013-10-31 11:06:04    9804 (0x264C)
Sync failed: Failed to sync some of the updates. Source: Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.SyncUpdates    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    2013-10-31 11:06:05    11924 (0x2E94)
STATMSG: ID=6703 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER" SITE=P01 PID=4180 TID=11924 GMTDATE=to okt 31 10:06:05.267 2013 ISTR0="Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.SyncUpdates" ISTR1="Failed to sync some of the updates" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=0    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    2013-10-31 11:06:05    11924 (0x2E94)
Sync failed. Will retry in 60 minutes    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    2013-10-31 11:06:05    11924 (0x2E94)

After googling "359c5eeb-b7ff-447a-9986-5d6283a133f3" I found out that the affected updates are Internet Explorer 10.
I also found this in the Event Viewer:
Content file download failed. Reason: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) Source File: /msdownload/update/v5/eula/use_terms_supp_ie10_win7_rtm_en-us.rtf-f1a39475-6df8-45fe-848f-298e9965f6e7.txt Destination File: e:\Sources\WSUS\WsusContent\C2\4DE69528CE193088F812466D6AE27184026C58C2.txt.
At first I thought the two were related to eachother, but I found out later that they're not. The later error message is solved by adding NETWORK SERVICE with read permissions to the WsusContent folder.
As we're not running Internet Explorer 10 in our company, I solved the first problem by declining those three updates in WSUS. If anyone has a solution on getting the License Terms to download, please comment this post. The updates can be found in WSUS by sorting the updates by the Status Rollup column.

OSDisk appears as D:

This has been driving me totally crazy for a while! Finally I found the solution, which is always simple when you know it.I've been trying to deploy the original install.wim from the Windows 7 media with SCCM 2012, and every time, OSDisk appeared as D:.First of all, you should select "Apply operating system from an original installation source" in the "Apply Operating System Image" task. You should also have the "Set Variable for Drive Letter" set to False. Both settings are found in the Install section.The last and final setting, that took me a while to find, was in the Preinstall section and the task "Format and Partition Disk 6.1". For some reason, Microsoft has left the "Do not assign a drive letter to this partition" unticked for the BitLocker BDEDrive.I hope this helps someone out there...Cheers!

Configuration Manager Remote Control Disabled after install

After installing the Configuration Manager client on a Windows XP workstation. The client appears to install fine but the Configuration Manager Remote control service is stopped and the startup type is set to disabled. My ccmsetup.log says the install was successful and the client shows up in the configuration manager console.
To solve this issue, start by changing the following values in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Client\Client Components\Remote Control
Access Level 0 => 2
Allow Local Administrators to do Remote Control 0 => 1
Audible Signal 1 => 0
Enabled 0 => 1
Firewall Exception Profiles 0 => 15
Permission Required 1 => 0
PermittedViewers Administrators => blank
Finally, set the service Configuration Manager Remote Control to Automatic and start it.
I do not know why this happened, but I'm suspecting that it has something to do with the client not being assigned to a boundary group.

Failed to get client identity (80004005)

PXE keeps rebooting after Preparing network connections.
Errors in smsts.log:
reply has no message header marker
Failed to get client identity (80004005)
failed to request for client
Resolution: Set correct time and date in BIOS

SCCM Agent not working after OS deploy

The agent doesn't get the self signed certificate after os deployment.
Right after the "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" step, add two "Run Command Lines" to set the registry values correctly. Here are the two commands to be run:

REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\CcmExec /v ProvisioningMode /t REG_SZ /d false /f


REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\CcmExec /v SystemTaskExcludes /t REG_SZ /d "" /f


Please read more here:



Finding duplicate systems in SCCM

Fire up SQL Management Studio and use som of the following queries:
Find duplicate MAC addresses
SELECT dbo.v_RA_System_MACAddresses.MAC_Addresses0, Count(dbo.v_R_System.Name0) AS SystemCount FROM dbo.v_R_System RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_RA_System_MACAddresses ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = dbo.v_RA_System_MACAddresses.ResourceID GROUP BY dbo.v_RA_System_MACAddresses.MAC_Addresses0 ORDER BY SystemCount DESC
Find ResourceID for the duplicate MAC address
select * from dbo.v_RA_System_MACAddresses where MAC_Addresses0 = '00:00:00:00:00:00' 
Find Name0 for the duplicate MAC addresses
select * from dbo.v_R_System where ResourceID = '12345678' OR resourceid = '12345678' 
Find duplicate computer names
select R.ResourceID,R.ResourceType,R.Name,R.SMSUniqueIdentifier, R.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,R.Client from SMS_R_System as r full join SMS_R_System as s1 on s1.ResourceId = r.ResourceId full join SMS_R_System as s2 on s2.Name = s1.Name where s1.Name = s2.Name and s1.ResourceId != s2.ResourceId
Find duplicate HardwareID's
SELECT Name0, Hardware_ID0, Count(Hardware_ID0) AS SystemCount FROM dbo.v_R_System GROUP BY Hardware_ID0, Name0 ORDER BY SystemCount DESC

Windows XP bluescreens after OS deployment

Don't forget to include mass storage driver. You can get a driver pack that covers the most models on the link below.
Create a Driver Package including all the drivers from the link above, then create a Apply Driver Package step in your Windows XP task sequence selecting the newly created Driver Package.

SCCM 2012 Windows XP OSD installing to D:

I've been having issues with Windows XP being deployed to D:, and finally I've found the solution.
There's an error in the MDT task sequence step "Format and Partition Disk 5.x".
In the Options tab there's some conditions, and one condition is:
ImageOSVer equals 5.1 AND ImageOSVer equals 5.2. I will now tell you - THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN ;)
Change this by adding an If-statement matching ANY of the listed conditions.
Now, the disk will get partitioned and formatted and the OS will end up at C:.

WFCRUN32 Error - Failed to set Event Logging

I got this error when deploying Citrix Online Plugin 12.1 and 12.3 on a freshly installed computer. I think it has something to do with User Account Control, but our group policy doesn't disable UAC before System Center tries to install the software.
Seems like adding the option DONOTSTARTCC=1 solves the problem though :)
CitrixOnlinePluginFull.exe /silent SERVER_LOCATION=http://WIServer DONOTSTARTCC=1
Have a nice weekend!

Object are not available and will not be edited

From time to time the SCCM console crashed, leaving objects locked from editing. If you don't have time to wait for an automatic unlock, do the following:
- Start SQL Management Studio and connect to the CM database
- Run select * from SEDO_LockState where LockStateID='1' and copy the id that is locked
- Run delete from SEDO_LockState where id='ID_FROM_ABOVE_SELECT'

Deployment not working on new Distribution Point

Been having trouble getting PXE deployment working on a new DP. Looking in C:\SMS_DP$\sms\logs\SMSPXE.log I found: Warning: Matching Processor Architecture Boot Image (0) not found The solution is to make sure you to have both x64 and x86 images deployed even if you aren’t going to use both of them. For both of your boot images, ensure ’Deploy this boot image from the PXE service point’ is ticked and then make sure you ‘Distribute Content’ to your PXE enabled DPs.

SCCM Agents fails push installation

Since upgrading to System Center Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 the agents fails the push installation with the following error message:
Couldn't verify 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi' authenticode signature. Return code 0x800b0101 ccmsetup 2013-01-16 20:38:01 6960 (0x1B30)
InstallFromManifest failed 0x80004005 ccmsetup 2013-01-16 20:38:01 6960 (0x1B30)
CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80004005 ccmsetup 2013-01-16 20:38:01 1204 (0x04B4)
A hotfix has been released by Microsoft, you can find it here:

Inactive Configuration Manager Agents

Some of our clients are listed as Inactive in Configuration Manager. This is the cause and resolution for one particular client having issues with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on Windows XP.
I found this in %windir%\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.log:
MSI: Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM The error code is 80041002 ccmsetup 2012-12-12 17:10:36 2192 (0x0890)

MSI: Action 17:10:36: Rollback. Rolling back action: ccmsetup 2012-12-12 17:10:36 2192 (0x0890)

MSI: Warning 25101. Setup was unable to delete WMI namespace ccm\dcm The error code is 80041002 ccmsetup 2012-12-12 17:10:37 2192 (0x0890)

File C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\{F5EAB9A8-E852-429F-92BC-BB82712ACA9B}\client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1603 Action: CcmCreateWmiNamespaces. ErrorMessages: Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM The error code is 80041002  ccmsetup 2012-12-12 17:12:31 2192 (0x0890)

This indicates that there is something wrong with WMI on the client. I tried to find a way to repair WMI on Windows XP and found a solution where you should delete %windir%\system32\wbem\repository and restarting the "Windows Management Instrumentation" service. DO NOT perform this step, it will make the computer very unstable. Instead run the following commands in a Command Prompt to rebuild the WMI components.

FOR /f %s in ('dir /b /s *.dll') do regsvr32 /s %s
net stop /y winmgmt
FOR /f %s in ('dir /b *.mof *.mfl') do mofcomp %s
net start winmgmt
It's also a good idea to use WMI Diag during troubleshooting, it can be found here:

Site backup task failure alert at site

I've been having some issues with backing up my primary configuration manager site. Configuration Manager 2012 was giving me the following critical error message:
Site backup task failure alert at site: P01
I am using a network (UNC) path which is related to why it's not working. To troubleshoot this issue, take a look at *:\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs\smsbkup.log.
First of all the network share need to have Everyone Full Control configured. The NTFS right needs to match the running account for the SMS_SITE_BACKUP and SMS_SITE_VSS_WRITER services.
You can configure a scheduled task for the backup at Administration - Site Configuration - Sites - Site Maintenance - Backup Site Server.
If you manually want to start a backup, run the service called SMS_SITE_BACKUP.
So to conclude. After changing the Log On account for the above mentioned services everything is working fine.

Synchronization failure alert for software update point

Software Update Point in System Center Configuration Manager was giving me below error message:
Synchronization failure alert for software update point: <FQDN> (<SITENAME>)
To investigate this I used CMTrace on wsyncmgr.log.
Configuration Manager Trace Log Tool
*:\Microsoft Configuration Manager\tools\cmtrace.exe
Software Update Point - WSUS Synchronization Manager Log
*:\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs\wsyncmgr.log
In this log I found error messages, e.g:
Failed to sync update e4793752-7eef-4751-bb5b-7dc25186bec7. Error: The Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded and cannot be accepted. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.SoapExceptionProcessor.DeserializeAndThrow SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 2012-11-22 12:22:59 5876 (0x16F4)

Failed to sync update 8f771ec5-fcd3-4a6b-ada6-7d6f0927f080. Error: The Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded and cannot be accepted. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.SoapExceptionProcessor.DeserializeAndThrow SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 2012-11-22 12:22:59 5876 (0x16F4)
After changing the Access Control List on *:\Sources\WSUS\WSUSContent with Full Control for Everyone, the error disappeared. So I checked the WSUSContent directory on another server. The entries I was missing was:
Users, Read
SYSTEM, Full Control

Ever since I set these permissions on the folder the alert never came back.


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