Only one FCoE path active using Emulex OneConnect 14000 Series HBA with ESXi 5.x/6.0

Downgrade to 10.2.477.23 dated 2015-02-02. It's included in the SPP 2015.04 if you're using HP servers.
This is current at this date: 2015-09-21

Replacing vCenter without redoing vRanger configuration

Get the current VM-id via VMware vSphere PowerCLI by running the following commands:

Connect-VIServer <your VCSA>
(Get-VM -name <VM_display_name>).id 

Open SQL Management Studio and run the following command to show all tasks:
SELECT * FROM [vRangerPro].[dbo].[BackupTemplateTask] ORDER BY InventoryNodeName
use vRangerPro
UPDATE BackupTemplateTask SET InventoryNodeVirtualizationObjectId='vm-id' WHERE InventoryNodeName='VM_display_name'
Restart the vRanger Service and run the task!

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